Wednesday, April 11, 2007

War In North Africa will make Europe its target

And what "Prime minister" Hillary Clinton will look like after I give her the fruit from the tree of Life making her husband the distributor of the leaves from the tree of life for the nations of earth.
The Reason why God needs two women to save America from George Bush is simple. None of the male democratic leaders in both the senate and the house have the stones of a single catholic nun in any grammar school in America. Barack Obama is a nice boy, but not wise enough or smart enough compared to the two women which will control America for the next 12 years. If he is wise enough to know his limits he can be vice president if not it will take less time for him to be destroyed by the red necks than for the twin towers to go down.

The first steps needed to prevent the world war from spreading first into North Africa then into Europe is removing both the President and vice president from office. Then do exactly what I told Bush to do for the last five years use the only tool that will work to stop the spread of war which at its heart is a religious war between two competing political groups of religious leaders which both desire total domination for the people over the God of Abraham as a front for political manipulators using scripture as a whore uses her ass in getting clients.

Unless Congress follows the instruction from the God Of Abraham the war in North Africa will spread and Rome will look like this 

We know that for four billion people on planet earth there is only one true God. The God of Abraham which created all the realities for all living things, every flower, every tree, and every microbe. The other two billion people who don’t worship the God of Abraham per say worship him in the spirit and light they have been given to them through teachers which parallel the teaching of Christ, Mohammad, or Confusicius which by its gentle nature is a reflection of the main points of the God of Abraham religions.

For five years I wrote to every one that the Hidden Book of revelations which fits into the Christian scripture in Chapter 10 of Revelations and the last chapter of the Book of Daniel and into the Islamic scriptures is the only way to stop the spreading world war which will soon spread from North Africa to Europe. The total ignorance of the American people about history and the rise and fall of fascism in Europe and America will mark America’s destruction.

The ease by which the American people are controlled by sound bites by advertisers is the key to America s destruction. A goose stepping American military is no more a defense against the wraith of God than the faith of the people of Hiroshima was from the Bomb of dedicated scientific men in Los Alamos .

truth in logic will prevail over advertising. You still get cancer from smoking no matter how pretty the sexual provocative female is who is used to lure to your death Understand the real Jesus Christ has nothing to do with the one they sell like soap on American TV.

The real Jesus Christ wrote off the American Christian church almost 1980 years ago as being controlled by

Nicolaitanes,.. know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

Anyone who uses the Roman Doctrine of Trinity is the false Shepherds Christ warned about. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Understand this Jesus Christ is who he said he is not what some Roman Caser said he waas. Jesus Christ is not part of an new improved trinity he is the Christ of YHVH. President Bush ignored direct instructions from the God of Abraham judgment from God is Bird Flue to wipe out 90% of the American Population to prevent more needless destruction by the most stupid and ignorant man to hold the office of President .

If the Democrats don’t remove Bush now they won’t have much of a country to lead left.